Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I'm starting out with the basics here, I know. An apple is a good basic shape and a little more exciting than just drawing spheres, which is why I chose it as a subject for this drawing. Once again I've used Illustrator for some of the line work, but I left in my original sketch lines, because I thought it would give it a bit more of a natural feel (as opposed to digital) to the piece. I've also been experimenting with some of the Wacom tablet/Photoshop brush dynamics (pressure sensitivity and so forth).


Unknown said...

I am loving this Chad. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

That looks pretty awesome, and I consider a pretty good apple critic. You are using a tablet? I tried one of those a while ago and didn't really care for it. Looks like you are getting pretty familiar with it. Nice mix with illustrator