Monday, August 4, 2008

Character Sketch II - Nermal's Dad

Continuing my preliminary work on finishing Nermal's Thermal Underwear. This is a character idea for Nermal's father.

Bonus Material: Behind the Scenes

Just to give you more of an idea of how I work. Here are the layers contained in the Photoshop file for this picture:


I start with the Sketch layer. This is just a rough, and takes me only a couple of minutes to complete.


After the sketch is complete, I move to the Outlines layer and create the detailed line work.


Below the Outlines layer is the Shading layer. I turn off the Sketch layer at this point, but leave the Outlines layer on (so the picture never really looks like this). Keeping the Shading on a separate layer makes it easier to correct mistakes (yes, I do use the Eraser tool sometimes).

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