Just watched the made-for-tv film adaptation of Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic. I always liked his idea of the books in the library at Unseen University that had to be chained down to keep them from escaping.
Oh, and I wasn't terribly impressed with the movie. There were aspects that I liked, but I just think it wasn't well-cast. As much as I like Sean Astin, I never pictured him as Twoflower. I've never been a big Tim Curry fan. I think Jeremy Irons was a good choice for the Patrician, but what was up with the lisp? The Patrician is supposed to be this cold, calculating ruler. It just didn't do it for me. I did like the casting of David Jason as Rincewind (though I'd never heard of him before seeing the movie). And, of course, Christopher Lee is one of the best choices as the voice of Death - that deep baritone is about how I've always imagined it when reading the Discworld books. All-in-all I preferred the adaptation of Hogfather.
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