Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nermal III

I'm gearing up to do some serious work on my children's book, Nermal's Thermal Underwear. Here's another character sketch of the title character... one that I've decided not to run with. It's not that I don't like this particular sketch, it's just not really the look I'm going for. I think I was closer on my previous post.

For those interested, the story is written in rhyme, similar to a Dr. Seuss book. It's about a boy named Nermal who receives a pair of thermal underwear and what happens when he refuses to take them off... ever. Here are a few lines from the book:

Nermal thought they were keen, he thought they were neat,
From the buttons in front, to the hatch in the seat.
He put them on quickly, and said with a smile,
“Mother, they’re great! I sure am in style!”

More as things develop.

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