Friday, July 4, 2008


When I was a kid the margins of every school paper I ever turned in was home to a myriad of different scenes that I had doodled. Dragons, superheroes, spaceship battles and whatever else struck my fancy at the time dotted the landscape of my work. I'm not sure what drove my teachers crazier, the fact that my papers were not neat and tidy, or the fact that I would make all kinds of sound effects while I was drawing.

I've started this blog partly in homage to that era of my life, and partly just to get in some practice. You see, on my 40th birthday, my wife gifted me with a Wacom tablet. It's been 6 months, and I've barely had time to play with it. It has been years since I've done any serious drawing or painting, and I'm sorely out of shape.

To that end, I am going to attempt to publish one doodle/sketch a day to this blog for an entire year. These will be completely unfinished "works of art" (in fact, I hardly dare call them that). Everything posted here will be created using my Wacom Intuos3 and Photoshop CS3. Some of what you will find here will barely be recognizable as scribbles. At other times I hope to present work that I've spend more time refining. We'll see how it goes.

To start, I present a self-portrait. I don't do this out of some sort of vanity. Really. Mostly, I thought it would be good for those that don't know me to get a picture of who they're dealing with. Of course, if you do know me, you may be thinking, "Hey! That doesn't look like you!" True. There is only a vague resemblance. But do keep in mind that I only spent about ten minutes on this.


Unknown said...

I'm impressed (but then what else would you expect your mom to say)! Seriously, though, great job for only 10 min. of work! I'll look forward to seeing more of it in the next year. I'm glad you're starting up a blog again!

Unknown said...

Very youthful and happy looking. Takes me back years! Not that you aren't youthful and happy now, I just haven't seen you in a long while! Do you know that you were the inspiration to my wanting to draw in junior high. You and Mrs. Weber! I haven't stopped drawing in all these years. Thanks for the inspiration and the memories.

Beth said...

Great job Chad...brings back memories of your "Snoopy" doodling days...looks like a great way for you to relieve stress and also have fun at the same time.

Unknown said...

Very nice Self-portrait! Who is it?